These walks are edited and produced by Stewart Tedaldi, one of the Explorer Scout Leaders at Nutty Badgers and a resident of Upton St Leonards for nearly 30 years.
Living within Upton St Leonards we have many bridleways, footpaths and tracks to use, I’m told its 22miles. So I’ve started to record some of my favourites. From 1 mile to 5 miles, so there might be a walk here for you to enjoy.
There are a few ways you can enjoy these walks. However as with all activities its good old common sense that should prevail. If you see a herd of heffers and you have a dog on a lead, consider the risks. Likewise I believe all these route are on public rights of way, so enjoy and explore whats right on our door step.
If you follow any of the routes I have provided, you do so at your own risk and does not replace any information available to you whilst physically carrying out the walk or within the current environment.
It is up to you as the walker, to comply with any hazards presented to you at the time of the walk, to comply with the Countryside and Highway Codes whilst on these routes. Yes its common sense, these walks are across both public and private land. Click on the Countryside Code to download the guide.
And finally remember the old phrase, ” take nothing but photos, leaving only footprints.” Enjoy our village walks as they are within the Stroud Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – AONB.
You also need to consider the terrain you’re about to walk in, the time of year and the weather. Good walking footwear is always recommended, “there is no such thing as bad weather, just poor clothing choice”. To help with the route choice I’ve colour coded them. I’ll be adding more routes regularly, but if you have a suggestion for a walk then see my email link at the bottom of the page.
A Shorter Walk with little elevation gain
A walk with an elevation gain, but not generally challenging.
For a more challenging route normally lasting over an hour and includes an elevation gain (ie a hill).
The routes were originally created in OS MAPS, see bottom of page for more details. Within OS Maps you can download the route to your mobile device, so as to be able to follow when out and about. However if you like good old paper maps, then I’d suggest map OS179.
Each route has a link to the OSMaps page or you can download the pdf map for printing at home by CLICKING ON EACH MAP IMAGE.
12th June – there is currently an issue with the stored routes within OSMaps, if the download does not work please download the route by clicking on the map.
Update Dec 2020 – OSMaps have still not sorted the Technical Issue of deleting routes automatically. They expect an update in Jan 2021 to resolve. In the meantime I have started to trial ViewRanger. I’ll update the pages as and when time allows.

A Shorter Walk With Little Elevation Gain
Green Walk 1
This walk starts at the Village Hall and takes you across the fields between Rooksmoor, Manor Farm and the Mill.
A short walk of less than 2 miles and should take no more than an hour.
click here for the OSMap version Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Green Walk 2
This walk starts and finishes at the Village Hall. It’s 2 miles and should take less than an hour. A height gain of 104ft.
The walk takes you across the fields between Manor and Rooksmoor Farms.
click here for the OSMap version Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Green Walk 3
This walk starts at the Village Post Office and takes you across the fields between Rooksmoor, Peaked Acres, Manor Farm and the Mill. However in winter the walk can get muddy.
A short walk of less than 2.5 miles and should take no more than an hour. A height gain of 134ft.
click here for the OSMap version Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Green Walk 4
This walk starts and finishes at the Village Post Office. It’s just over 2.5 miles and should take less than an hour. A height gain of 213ft.
The walk takes you across the fields between Bondend Road, Manor and Poole’s Farms.
click here for the OSMap version Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Have you got the essentials?
Do you have a compass if not head over to our shop and get yours now
A walk with an elevation gain, but not generally challenging.
Amber Walk 1
This walk starts at the Village Hall and takes you via High Street, the side of Upton Hill onto the Painswick Road, before dropping down to Moorend and WateryLane, then returning. It’s 2.7 miles and should take about an hour. A height gain of 398ft.
This route can and does get muddy at the bottom of the Bridle Path at Moorend (WateryLane) however the path above offers views down the valley towards Upton. Definitely a walking boots track.
click here for the OSMap version Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Amber Walk 2
This walk starts at the Village Hall and takes you via High Street, the side of Upton Hill across the Painswick Road, before dropping down to the M5 Pedestrian footbridge, returning back along Painswick Road and the church yard. It’s 2.3 miles and should take about an hour. A height gain of 362ft.
Click on the map to download the route as a pdf or
Click here for the OSMap version
Amber Walk 3 - Meadow Trail
Walks 3 and 4 are basically the same with a few subtle changes. Walk 3 across’s the fields between Rooksmoor and Peaked Acres, across to Whitley Court then onto Coppers Edge and the bridle paths all the way to Bondend Farm. A route which WILL get muddy in Winter. But at only 3.7 miles and a height gain of 292ft it’s not challenging. You should allow 1hr 30m to complete
At Whitley Court please keep to the correct path over the steam, aim for the barn and then just before on the left is the little bridge over the steam (do not go through the farm garden). If in doubt you could walk up the farm access road to the lane.
This route is actually taken from the USCAN Village Walk book – Walk B – Meadow Trail. So thanks to them for the suggestion.
click here for the OSMap version Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Amber Walk 4
Walks 3 and 4 are basically the same with a few subtle changes. Walk 4 does not go across the fields, you have the walks around the bridlepaths of Bondend Farm and Coppers Edge, but then you walk up Nut Hill and return. Again this route will get muddy in the winter, plus it has more time walking on the lane, so extra care is needed. At 3.3 miles, the height gain of Nut Hill gives this a slight challenge – 362ft. You should allow 1hr 30m to complete.
Click here for the OSMap version Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Amber Walk 5 - Upton Hill and Glade
Walk 5 picks up the side of Upton Hill, offering views back across the village, after a short walk on the main road, you drop down through a wooded glade and pick up Watery Lane. Then back through the horse fields via Six Ways and the allotment.
The walk is only 3 miles, but has a height gain of 403 ft, it should take around 1hr 15 mins to walk.
click here for the OSMap version Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Amber Walk 6 - Drive To - Prinknash Circular Walk
Walks 6 is a drive to walk. But means you don’t need to walk up hill to the start.
It’s based around Prinknash Abbey grounds.
At 1.7 miles miles and a height gain of 412ft, you should allow 45mins to an hour to complete.
Click here for the OSMap version Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Going on an evening wonder but cant find your torch? Find options in the shop…
For a more challenging route normally lasting over an hour and includes an elevation gain (ie a hill).
Red Walk 1 - The Escarpment
Our first Red walk starts at the Village Post Office, its a 4.7mile walk with a height gain of 688ft – so not level. It will take approx 1.45 to 2 hours to walk. With a few places which can get muddy. This is not a beginners walk, however it does offer some great views and chances to watch the wildlife.
Click here for the OS Maps version. Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Red Walk 2 - Cud Hill
This walk starts at the Village Hall and takes you across the fields to Watery Lane. You will walk right up Watery Lane to Painswick Road, walk across and along to Cud Hill. Take in the stunning views then toddle back down the track and footpaths to the main road. After crossing you will walk down through a glade to cross the stream over a wooden bridge. Then crossing the field to rejoin Watery Lane. No sooner have you walked down the Lane then you need to go up over the ‘waterfall’ to then cross the fields behind Poole’s Farm. To pick up Six Ways, The High Street, through the final field and into the allotments.
It’s 5 miles and should take about 2 hours. A height gain of 756ft. Its not for a beginner and you need walking boots..
click here for the OSMap vision Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Red Walk 3 - Cud Hill and Range Ramble
The third Red walk starts at the Village Hall, as per many of my walks, heads up Watery Lane. We cross to Cud Hill and then drop down similar to Red Walk 2, but for this walk, we head west to drop down the hill with great views across Gloucester to the Malvern Hills.
We then pick up the path down through the wood near Croft Farm. In the spring this wood is spectacular with Bluebells (see photo and video gallery). Once through the wood you come out at the higher levels of the MotorCross track before dropping down further to the lower meadows.
A return route up around the back of Hatton Court brings you out on Painswick Road (via a very steep field incline), you then drop down through Six Ways and back to the village.
With a total height gain of 971ft, over 5.3 miles, this walk will take most people over 2 hours to complete.
It has its challenges and will become very muddy in winter. However, the views and woods are worth it.
Click here for the OS Maps version. Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Red Walk 4 - Prinknash, Painswick Beacon, Cud Hill
This walk starts at the Village Post Office, its one of my favourites, but due to the height gain of 948ft and the terrain, especially in winter, can make this a challenging walk. Its over 6 miles so will take approx 2.5hours, its worth it, but not for beginners.
I must also mention this walk is across the grounds of Prinknash Abbey, where there is a permissive footpath. So as ever please pay respect to the landowner and also to those laid to rest…!!
click here for the OSMap vision Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Red Walk 5 - Prinknash and Buckholt Loop
This walk starts at the village Post Office and takes you up to Prinknash Abbey grounds where there are Permissive footpaths through the grounds. However, dogs are NOT permitted across the top fields.
We head across to Buckholt Wood, then drop down through to the A46 and main road entrance to the Prinknash Estate. The route crosses the upper meadows and along a tree lined walk. See photos lower down the webpage.
You can stop for an ice cream or a cuppa, at the Cafe just below the main car park for the Abbey.
Then return back to the village.
With a total height gain of 1035ft, over 6 miles, this walk will take most people over 2 1/2 hours to complete.
It has its challenges and will become muddy in winter. However, the views and trees are worth it. Buckholt Wood in Spring has a mass of Bluebells and Wild Garlic.
Click here for the OS Maps version.
Due to the scaling of the maps I can’t get the entire map on A4 so have split it down. So you can download the ROUTE CARD ONLY by clicking on the map direct to you device.
THE MAPS are here
Red Walk 6 - Prinknash, Kites and Pope's Wood
This walk starts at the Village Post Office, with a height gain of 758ft is a mixture of other red walks. It tends to be a quiet walk and is well sheltered from the wind. Its 5.5 miles so will take approx 2hours.
As previously mention in other walks, this walk also acrosses the grounds of Prinknash Abbey, where there is a permissive footpath. So as ever please pay respect to the landowner and also to those laid to rest…!!
click here for the OSMap vision Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Red Walk 7 - Coopers Hill
The 7th Red walk starts at the Village Hall, as per many of my walks. This walk will take you through Prinknash Park, Buckholt and Coopers Woods.
Its not an easy walk, with a total height gain of 1556ft, over 8.5 miles, this walk will take most people over 3 1/2 hours to complete.
PLEASE NOTE, the comment at waypoint 28. The kissing gate has not been installed yet, but there is an alternative route.
Click here for the OS Maps version. Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Red Walk 8 - Prinknash and Buckholt Loop - alternative route, less height gain.
This walk is an alternative to Red Walk 5, but with less height gain making it easier.
It starts at the village Post Office and takes you up to Prinknash Abbey grounds where there are Permissive footpaths through the grounds. However, dogs are NOT permitted across the top fields.
We head across to the lower sections of Buckholt Wood, then drop down through to the A46 and main road entrance to the Prinknash Estate. The route crosses the upper meadows and along a tree lined walk. See photos lower down the webpage.
You can stop for an ice cream or a cuppa, at the Cafe just below the main car park for the Abbey.
Then return back to the village.
With a total height gain of 905ft, over 6 miles, this walk will take most people over 2 1/4 hours to complete.
It has its challenges and will become muddy in winter. However, the views and trees are worth it.
Click here for the OS Maps version. Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Red Walk 9 - Witcombe - Birdlip Loop
This is a drive to walk…!!
Click here for the OS Maps version – unfortunately the route card is still to be produced.
Red Walk 10 - Prinknash, Coopers, Buckholt, Kites Hill, Painswick Beacon Loop.
This walk is a mix of a number of walks and is one of my favourites.
It’s a reasonably demanding village walk and is not a beginners walk.
At over 8 miles with a higher gain of 1517ft this has its challenges, especially in the winter.
I’ve not detailed the route in great detail as you should be able to read a map for this walk….!!!!
Click here for the OS Maps version. Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
Or you can scan the code below for access to the walk in ViewRanger.
Red Walk 11 - Coopers Hill, Hut Hill
The 11th Red walk starts at the Post Office, as per many of my walks. This walk will take you through Prinknash Park, Coopers Nature Reserve and Nut Hill.
Its a moderate walk, with a total height gain of 856ft, 5.3 miles, 2 hours to complete.
Click here for the OS Maps version. Or you can download the map by clicking on it direct to you device.
I’ve added an unmarked section of the OSMap for the Upper Sections of the walks around Pope’s, Kites, Cud Hill and Prinknash.

Have you wondered who actually looks after our village footpaths, bridges and gates. Its actually a group of volunteers who operate under the Upton St Leonards Community Action Network (USCAN) – Footpath Group.
So thanks to them for all their hard work across the network of 22miles of footpaths.

If you have any ideas for walks to feature on this page then please email at
OS Maps – Ordnance Survey have a great APP which allows for maps to be saved along with routes (like the ones above) onto your device. This helps when out walking as its shows your exact location on the screen, plus all the footpaths and bridleways. Whilst its no real substitute for a good old fashion map, this APP can be very useful.
Use your device to search for the OS Maps APP. Whilst the full OS Maps, as seen on this site require a full subscription, you can use their standard maps which will aid your walk. However if you are serious about walking these routes, then a paper map or this APP make sense.
Neither I, nor the scout group get any reward for promoting this APP, but it’s worth considering.